iHOP Testing


·          Go to http://www.ihop-net.org/

·          Search for the mouse gene name Reln using the search utility at the bottom of the page.


1)                    Click on the ‘interaction information for this gene’ icon on the right hand side of the results and then wait until the page finishes loading. Now, Click on the “show overview link in the left hand side.

a.       What is the nearest neighbor of Reln?

b.       How many sentences are in common between Reln and the nearest neighbor?

c.        Why are there multiple symbols for the same gene in the list of interactions?

d.       Do you see an association between Reln and APP or APLP1 in this list? Explain why or why not.


2)                    Click on the gene symbol Dab1 and then click on the “show overview link in the left hand side in the following page.

a.       What is the nearest neighbor of Dab1?

b.       Do you see an association between Dab1 and APP or APLP1 in this list? Explain where and why.


SGO Testing


·          Go to http://shad.cs.utk.edu/sgo

·          Login as anonymous user

·          IMPORTANT: Leave the session name field empty.


1)       Perform a keyword query using ‘reelin’, ‘dab1’ and ‘VLDLR’

a.       What are the top 5 ranked genes and their corresponding scores returned by the query?

b.       Does this fit the known biology?

c.        Considering the Reelin signaling diagram in the lecture, what are some indirect gene relationships to Reln and their corresponding rank score?

2)       Perform an accession number query using AV263736, Y08380, L33417.

a.       What are the top 5 ranked genes and their corresponding scores returned by the query?

b.       Does this fit the known biology (Reelin signaling pathway components)?

c.        What are some indirect gene relationships to Reln and their corresponding rank score?


BONUS: What is the major difference in the rank scores of the accession query and keyword query. Why?


3)       Examine the Hierarchical tree structure using the ATV (A Tree Viewer) feature.

a.       Identify the Reln cluster. Does this fit into the known signaling pathway?

b.       Name at least 1 more cluster of genes which contains at least 3-6 genes.

4)       Examine the graphical structure of the 50 gene collection using the Nodal tree feature.

a.       The threshold for the relationship distance between genes is set to 0.7 (1-cosine of the vector angle). Why is the cdk5 cluster of genes separated from the main graph?

b.       Identify the Reln cluster of genes. Does this fit the known biology?