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Paramecium tetrauralia P450s

22 P450 sequences have been found in Paramecium tetrauralia by searches of the GENOSCOPE blast server for this organism.  All of the 22 sequences were used to exhaustively search this blast database so all accession numbers for ParameciumP450s were discovered.  These sequences all derived from a common ancestor related to the CYP4 clan, or a precursor to both the CYP3 and CYP4 clans.  This is clear from the heme signature region and some introns present in most of the sequences. There is no CYP51, so this Alveolate has lost CYP51.  The only other sequenced Alveolategenome is Plasmodium falciparum and it has no P450s due to its parasitic lifestyle.  The alignment  is in PHYLIP format and it has 21 sequences,  It does not contain the only pseudogenesequence found.  Some intron boundaries are marked. Blue or cyan is phase 0,  magenta is phase 1 and  green is phase 2. Not all introns have been marked. The CYP names used here are shorthand for the official names in the sequence files.

D. Nelson   April 16, 2004