Year: 1999

Sept. 14, 1999


Soybean has a large number (86) of P450 containing ESTs. I have collected these, and incorporated them in a list with 22 full length soybean P450s. This is a new format that uses the Entrez Nucleotide query output for each entry. These have been modified to include my own annotation and translations to make them… Read More

Sept. 13, 1999


7938 new Arabidopsis ESTs were deposited in Genbank on Sept. 8. I have looked at them by Blast searches over the weekend and I found 57 that contain P450 sequences. 47 of these are close or exact matches to known P450s from Arabidopsis (96% or better identity). Nine ESTs are new sequences that range from… Read More

Sept. 9, 1999


On Sept. 8, 1999 Genome Systems, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Incyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. deposited 7938 Arabidopsis mRNA sequences into Genbank. These ESTs run from AI992384-AI999813 and from AW004082-AW004589. This is about 4 – 4.5Mb of sequence. Currently, these cannot be searched for P450 genes by BLAST. It may take a day to update… Read More

Sept. 2, 1999


The Cytochrome P450 homepage has a new look. A table has replaced the 15 gif images that used to serve as buttons. This should shorten loading time and improve the feel of the page. It will also allow addition of new buttons for different species as time goes on. (There are many soybean ESTs, and… Read More

Tomato Bursts on the P450 Scene


A tomato EST project has generated more than 26,000 ESTs, with 8616 deposited in March, 11789 in June, and 5394 in July 1999. These have now been searched for P450 containing sequences. There are 235 P450 coding tomato ESTs. These sort into 58 contigs, that include 5 complete genes (CYP51, 73A24, 76A6, 88B1 and 707A4)… Read More

Aug. 26, 1999


A new 68 sequence tree with the CYP4 family is given. This has 63 4 Family sequences, and 5 additional sequences. The 48 family and the CYP4P subfamily are at a boundary between the insect cluster and other animal CYP4 members. On earlier versions of this tree they fell outside the 4 cluster. Here they… Read More

Aug. 25, 1999


39 P450 containing ESTs from Zea mays have been translated and sorted by family see Zea mays ESTs with P450s

Aug. 23, 1999


A note on Plant P450 evolution new ESTs from pine are clarifying how old some plant P450 families are.

Aug. 20, 1999


The diversity of plant P450s has been displayed in a new table that lists plant higher level taxonomic groups and shows which groups have known P450 sequences. The more than 400 plant P450s belong to 65 species. These include 3 conifers and 62 angiosperms. Ten species of monocots have known P450 sequences. Seven of these… Read More

Aug. 13, 1999


The plant P450 database has been updated (see the Databases button on the home page). Plants now have over 400known P450s. 212 are from Arabidopsis. The Deep Green meeting in St. Louis described in todays Science has found that plants should be split into three kingdoms not just one. Green, brown and red plants split… Read More