Month: July 2000

July 31, 2000


The Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome is complete but not published. The sequence is available on a server and it contains three P450 genes. The sequences of these have been posted in the file of bacterial P450 sequences as CYP107S1, CYP168A1 and CYP169A1.

July 27, 2000


48 New bacterial P450s have been named in an attempt to catch up on the long neglected bacterial section of the nomenclature. I have posted a fasta file of the public bacterial sequences under the bacteria button on the homepage. This is not all the bacterial P450s but it is a good start.

July 25, 2000


I have posted the talk I gave at Stresa Italy at the MDO2000 meeting on July 10. This talk includes the slides that I used, and a few comments on things that have changed since July 10. GO TO TALK