Year: 2000

April 11, 2000


The Plant P450 Database has exceeded 500 sequence entries. The database has been updated to include the latest information on which sequences are still confidential and which have become public. Many new sequences have been added since the last revision in August 99. Please note that slightly more than half of these sequences are from… Read More

March 17, 2000


The accession numbers AC008537 and AC008962 from human contain a large cluster of P450 genes from Chromosome 19. This cluster has been described in Hoffman et al. J. Molec. Evol. 41, 894-900 1996. However, the sequence of the cluster is now coming into the databases on these two accession numbers. These are incomplete sequences at… Read More

Jan. 27, 2000


All Drosophila melanogaster P450 protein sequences have been posted as a FASTA File All Drosophila melanogaster P450s These sequences are all in Genbank. There are no confidential sequences left. There are 86 P450 genes and 4 pseudogenes. CYP51 is absent. Since CYP51 is also absent in C. elegans, this important eukaryotic sterol biosynthetic gene may… Read More

Jan. 19, 2000


I have posted a 4 family tree with 89 sequences, including the new Drosophila sequences in the 4 family and in the 18 clan. New 4 Family tree A second tree covering the remaining sequences including the 6, 9, 12 and 28 families is also here New 6 and 9 Family tree